SPINAL FLOW TECHNIQUE - Founded by Dr. Carli Axford, Spinal Flow Technique (SFT) is a gentle non-invasive process that stimulates the innate healing potential of the body. Through her experiences of years as a Chiropractor and the exploration of other modalities, running healing retreats and working around the world, Dr. Carli developed her own procedure introducing it globally.

By applying a feather like touch to specific areas along the nervous system, the 7 Gateways and 33 Access points which lay between the Occiput (the most posterior cranial bone), Spinal Cord (dura matter - fibrous non-adherent layer surrounding the spinal cord), and Coccyx (tail bone- C1). This then creates an internal spinal wave that facilitates more breathe and space within, plus initiates the transmutation of Physical, Chemical and Emotional blockages, thus activating clear communication between the nervous system and our brain.

Spinal Flow Technique is effective in bringing ease and clearing space within by reconnecting every cell in our body through our nervous system. There is no manipulation involved, only gentle relaxing touch that will assist you in feeling renewed. With Spinal Flow Technique, layers of stressors and trapped emotions that have accumulated over time can be released. It may take a few sessions to remove layers, the more sessions in quick concession you can do will allow you to achieve incredible results.
Some people feel electricity, some people have vivid images and messages, some people feel ease and space, some feel their bodies realigning, everyone’s experience if different, we are all different and get what we need at the time.

Don’t just take my word for it, isn’t it time you gave yourself some love…………?

Spinal Flow Technique imageSpinal Flow Technique image

Access BARS Practitioner (ABP)
Access Energetic Facelift Practitioner (AFPR)

Founders and co-creators Gary M. Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer

“All of life comes to me with ease, joy and glory” ® ACCESS MANTRA®

Access is a set of tools that are designed to facilitate more consciousness for everyone. Consciousness includes everything without judgement. It is a willingness and capacity to be totally aware and present in all areas of your life. It creates a space of acknowledgement as the infinite being you are and frees us from the polarity and imprisonment of our echoed thoughts, feelings and emotions that keep looping around in our brain.
How would it feel to free yourself of trauma and drama?

By unlocking allowance, we become aware of our restricting views, thoughts, feelings and judgments that keep us trapped in this continuous patterning. What if we could clear out our limited thinking, beliefs and make a decision that this is just an interesting point of view, and enable infinite choices and possibilities that await us?
What if these thoughts and feelings don’t even belong to you?
How would you feel when you realise that 99% of these are not yours and you can release these?

“Empowering People To Know That They Know”®

The Bars is 32 access points on the head where you store all of your thoughts, considerations, ideas, attitudes and beliefs that you thought important throughout your many lifetimes.
When you have your Bars run, its like pushing the delete button on your computer key and opening up more space and clarity within your filing system. Bars = the hard drive in your computer, files of stuff you’ve stored over time. Bars will free up space in your head so you can enjoy being more present with you, which opens the capacity to create something new. (ctrl, alt, delete)

Watch how the universe assists us in creating more, when the space allows us to be open to create something new!

How can it get any better than this?

What a nurturing gift this is for anyone, you just require a session to find out for yourself how giving this is................whilst youthing at the same time.

How can you love yourself more?

Clearing Statements that change your world instantaneously or over time……

I can tell you from my experience that from one week to the very next week, I have created so much change within my own being and world in fact, it is phenomenal!
I completed an Access Bars Class ® and then the very next week The Foundation ® Class, and then the Energetic Facelift Class ®.

I was curious about the tools I’d witnessed throughout my engagement with the Bars course. I realised it was freeing my mind and body as I progressed and I was interested to know more.
I’d had a lot of pain from various accidents that affected mostly the right-hand side of my body, broken bones, torn ligaments, osteoarthritis, sciatica and I found it difficult to walk, stand or lay without pain. I was unbalanced and could hardly bend my right knee. I was walking like I’d just had a really bad knee replacement, with a very pronounced limp. Every time I got up from the sitting position, I was in fear of taking the first initial step as I knew the pain I was about to experience would literally stop me in my tracks.

After only 5 days of clearing statements removing so many layers of unusual and unexpected things that presented from my body, I felt freer than I had for years, the stiffness has subsided. It hasn’t stopped there every day my body continues to change and shift. I’m now standing taller and straighter with more mobility and confidence, clarity in my head than I have experienced in years. I now have the tools to empower anyone, and even if I lapse back I can create change within myself. I continue to work on myself each day so I can gain full mobility back.

What else is possible?

Why not ask yourself some questions and find out what else could be possible for you!
Introspective Hypnosis begins with the journey of the origin of any psychosomatic symptoms that are occurring in this lifetime. These could include pain, depression, sadness, fears, phobias, and addictions. The conscious mind can remove any event or experience that may be present within the body that may have come from this lifetime or another.

We place our repressed emotions on hold until we are ready to deal with them. If ignored these can turn into disease within the body causing pain, headaches, even things like cancer and other incurable illnesses.

The human body is a big source of repressed emotions, which are stored in our subconscious waiting for us to manage them. When no special attention is paid to them, they start manifesting as physical symptoms.

Introspective Hypnosis also rescues and allows disembodied energies to return home and leave the areas they had been stuck in, so they can move forward on their own journey.


  • Ericksonian Hypnosis
  • Removal of entities or attachments
  • Forgiveness Therapy
  • Past, Present and Future Life Visitations
  • Role Change

“Love is the most powerful force in the world. If people tell you that the opposite of love is fear, it is not so. Love just is. Love has no opposite. Remember that, dear one. Love has no opposite. Love just is. It is the answer to everything. Everything.”
― Dolores Cannon, The Convoluted Universe - Book Two

Pictures are from my course I attended in WANAKA, NZ with ANTONIO SANGIO & ALBA WEINMAN

What's on offer every fortnight at the Pinjarra Community Garden Western Australia

About Carolyn - Inner Lightenment
Carolyn has a 20-year history working within Community Services where she has assisted vulnerable people including disabilities, mental health, substance abuse, homelessness, youth at risk, mature aged and domestic violence.

As a Practitioner of many modalities Carolyn is very empathic and in tune with each individual clients’ requirements. She is extremely excited in joining the I AM WOMAN team and looks forward to connecting and providing you a wonderful healing experience.

“All healing is self-healing, I initiate the facilitation.”


Spinal Flow Technique - Gentle relaxing touch is administered to access points and gateways that works to release layers of stressors and trapped emotions that have accumulated over time. It activates clear communication between your nervous system and brain to create a feeling of ease, less pain and renewed wellbeing.
Carolyn will provide a postural assessment prior to your first session allowing time to gather any important information. If consent is given photographs give a good gauge to the changes occurring in the body.

Running The Bars ® (Access Consciousness) - Consisting of 32 access points on the head where you store all of your thoughts, considerations, ideas, attitudes and beliefs that you hold as important. When you have your Bars Run, you gain clarity and free up space in your head so you can enjoy being more present with “YOU”. This will allow you to feel calmer in the present moment with capacity to accept new information and opportunities for more empowering thoughts.

Energetic Facelift ® (Access Consciousness)
A way to reverse the effects of aging on the face and some report their bodies as well. Its a gentle touch on specific access points across the face, neck and head areas. Its relaxing, comforting and your literally receiving beneficial youthing at the same time as pure relaxation when you regularly get your BARS run.
This technique has been used and recognised globally.



OUR EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM with Tanya Langford and theTeam Its Tanya here, the founder of I Am Woman. I feel my whole life journey has been preparing me to step forward and manifest I Am Woman which has been a dream for decades. I do so now to honour my self and validate my long path of self-discovery and healing. “It’s every woman’s divine right to feel safe, walk her life path with a heart full of love, have the knowledge and skills to have her needs met and gain the opportunities she seeks.”


Sound Vibrational Healing

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Art Therapist

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  • Date: 20/11/2021 21:30 - 21/11/2021 17:00
  • Location: Winthrop Hall Undercroft University WA (Map)
  • More Info: H12 location for Spinal Flow

  • Bedfordale WA, Australia