SPINAL FLOW TECHNIQUE - Founded by Dr. Carli Axford, Spinal Flow Technique (SFT) is a gentle non-invasive process that stimulates the innate healing potential of the body. Through her experiences of years as a Chiropractor and the exploration of other modalities, running healing retreats and working around the world, Dr. Carli developed her own procedure introducing it globally.

By applying a feather like touch to specific areas along the nervous system, the 7 Gateways and 33 Access points which lay between the Occiput (the most posterior cranial bone), Spinal Cord (dura matter - fibrous non-adherent layer surrounding the spinal cord), and Coccyx (tail bone- C1). This then creates an internal spinal wave that facilitates more breathe and space within, plus initiates the transmutation of Physical, Chemical and Emotional blockages, thus activating clear communication between the nervous system and our brain.

Spinal Flow Technique is effective in bringing ease and clearing space within by reconnecting every cell in our body through our nervous system. There is no manipulation involved, only gentle relaxing touch that will assist you in feeling renewed. With Spinal Flow Technique, layers of stressors and trapped emotions that have accumulated over time can be released. It may take a few sessions to remove layers, the more sessions in quick concession you can do will allow you to achieve incredible results.
Some people feel electricity, some people have vivid images and messages, some people feel ease and space, some feel their bodies realigning, everyone’s experience if different, we are all different and get what we need at the time.

Don’t just take my word for it, isn’t it time you gave yourself some love…………?

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