What's on offer every fortnight at the Pinjarra Community Garden Western Australia

About Carolyn - Inner Lightenment
Carolyn has a 20-year history working within Community Services where she has assisted vulnerable people including disabilities, mental health, substance abuse, homelessness, youth at risk, mature aged and domestic violence.

As a Practitioner of many modalities Carolyn is very empathic and in tune with each individual clients’ requirements. She is extremely excited in joining the I AM WOMAN team and looks forward to connecting and providing you a wonderful healing experience.

“All healing is self-healing, I initiate the facilitation.”


Spinal Flow Technique - Gentle relaxing touch is administered to access points and gateways that works to release layers of stressors and trapped emotions that have accumulated over time. It activates clear communication between your nervous system and brain to create a feeling of ease, less pain and renewed wellbeing.
Carolyn will provide a postural assessment prior to your first session allowing time to gather any important information. If consent is given photographs give a good gauge to the changes occurring in the body.

Running The Bars ® (Access Consciousness) - Consisting of 32 access points on the head where you store all of your thoughts, considerations, ideas, attitudes and beliefs that you hold as important. When you have your Bars Run, you gain clarity and free up space in your head so you can enjoy being more present with “YOU”. This will allow you to feel calmer in the present moment with capacity to accept new information and opportunities for more empowering thoughts.

Energetic Facelift ® (Access Consciousness)
A way to reverse the effects of aging on the face and some report their bodies as well. Its a gentle touch on specific access points across the face, neck and head areas. Its relaxing, comforting and your literally receiving beneficial youthing at the same time as pure relaxation when you regularly get your BARS run.
This technique has been used and recognised globally.
