Introspective Hypnosis begins with the journey of the origin of any psychosomatic symptoms that are occurring in this lifetime. These could include pain, depression, sadness, fears, phobias, and addictions. The conscious mind can remove any event or experience that may be present within the body that may have come from this lifetime or another.

We place our repressed emotions on hold until we are ready to deal with them. If ignored these can turn into disease within the body causing pain, headaches, even things like cancer and other incurable illnesses.

The human body is a big source of repressed emotions, which are stored in our subconscious waiting for us to manage them. When no special attention is paid to them, they start manifesting as physical symptoms.

Introspective Hypnosis also rescues and allows disembodied energies to return home and leave the areas they had been stuck in, so they can move forward on their own journey.


  • Ericksonian Hypnosis
  • Removal of entities or attachments
  • Forgiveness Therapy
  • Past, Present and Future Life Visitations
  • Role Change

“Love is the most powerful force in the world. If people tell you that the opposite of love is fear, it is not so. Love just is. Love has no opposite. Remember that, dear one. Love has no opposite. Love just is. It is the answer to everything. Everything.”
― Dolores Cannon, The Convoluted Universe - Book Two

Pictures are from my course I attended in WANAKA, NZ with ANTONIO SANGIO & ALBA WEINMAN